Uh Huh Honey Clear Adhesive "so good it makes you say, 'Uh Huh Honeyyy' "
- Clear Adhesive
- 5ml
- Low Viscosity (thin)
- Low To No Fumes
- Humidity: 40%-65%
- Temperature: 71F-76F
- Dry Time: 1-2 seconds (depends on your humidity)
This Clear Adhesive is amazing for colored lash extensions, sensitive clients, and those who want to see the cleaner lash line overall. It does not cause stickies, works well with Mega Volume Diameters, and promised great retention if properly used. Used for all lash diameters for classic and volume 0.15 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.03
Dry time of 1-2 seconds. Optional to use a Nanomister or use a Super Bonder after.